Britain’s first parent-led Truth Commission looking at children’s social care is holding its next monthly Zoom meeting today, from 5pm to 6pm.

Attendees can get involved with the work of the commission and ask its members questions about the commission during these calls. We’d love you to join us.

This month we’re holding our regular session for families affected by the child protection system, in which we share updates about the commission’s work and ask for your feedback and suggestions. We are also inviting attendees to tell us what they want to see from the commission in 2023.

During the event you can ask the commission’s lead Michele Simmons, and commission team members Simon Haworth and Natasha Phillips (Researching Reform) questions about the commission’s current projects.

We regret that we can’t discuss attendees’ individual cases, as reporting restrictions currently prevent third parties like commissions from talking about cases in a public setting, but we would very much encourage those present to tell the commission how they feel and what they think about the child protection system and the family courts.

Families and children in need of immediate help can access the free support services on your “My Support” page on the commission’s website.

The call will take place today, 9th February from 5pm to 6pm on Zoom. You can email to attend any time until 5pm, so it’s not too late to get in touch.

If you would like to attend the event, please email the team at The team will also give you information about how to access the conference.

Please confirm you would like to attend the event in your message, and let us know if you are a care-experienced child or parent, social care stakeholder, government affiliate, academic, journalist or member of the public.

We look forward to welcoming you.

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