Welcome to another week.

Australia has just announced that it is launching a full scale review into its Family Justice System.

Like the Family Justice System in England and Wales, it has been criticised for being “painstakingly slow and prohibitively expensive” with concerns raised over the way in which victims are treated and children routinely ignored by a system unable to cope with demand.

Federal Attorney-General George Brandis described the review, which will be run by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC), as “necessary and long overdue”.

Brandis goes on to say:

“The review of the family law system will be broad and far reaching, focusing on key areas of importance to Australian families…

These include ensuring the family law system prioritises the best interests of children, best addresses family violence and child abuse, and supports families, including those with complex needs, to resolve their family law disputes quickly and safely while minimising the financial burden.”

Advocates of the review are concerned that it might be dominated by cost cutting issues, and are hoping that access to justice and the safety of victims and children in the family law system are prioritised.

Opposition members in Australia are calling for urgent action to improve the system immediately and cross bench senator Pauline Hanson, a vocal campaigner on improving the family law system has called on the government to abolish the Family Court altogether.

Our question to you then, is just this: would you like to see a full scale review of the Family Justice System in England and Wales?
