We tweeted about this call for evidence last week, but it’s too important a request not to share it again here.

The Children’s Commissioner and the National Children’s Bureau are hoping to:

  • Gather information on mechanisms used to seek the views, experiences and perceptions of children in care and care leavers.
  • Identify related sources of evidence produced since April 2015 that relate to the views, experiences and perceptions of children in care and care leavers.

The very good National IRO Managers Partnership website has a useful summary. An extract from their article is added below:

“The aim is to understand the current evidence base on views, experiences and perceptions of children in or leaving care. This will involve exploring methods used to engage with children, as well as the products of such engagement. Analysis will focus on whether it is feasible to describe a national picture by drawing on individual exercises from across England. This will inform the Children’s Commissioner of whether there is sufficient evidence to inform a future “State of the Nation” report on children in care and care leavers….

We therefore ask that IRO Managers respond to this important call for evidence with information on outputs published or unpublished, carried out since April 2015 related to:

  • Activities you undertake, or have undertaken to gather the views, experiences and perceptions of children in or leaving care.
  • Resulting published or unpublished outputs from these activities.”

If you know of anyone who might be interested in this call, please do share this post. This is an excellent example of organisations trying to amplify the voice of the child, which is so rarely done.

The deadline for submissions is 20th March, 2017.
