This just in.

We’ve received a request from a lead social worker and fostering service coordinator looking for birth parents who can talk about either having their Muslim child placed into foster care, or having their non-Muslim child placed into a Muslim foster home.

Tay Jiva is producing a TV series for British Muslim TV on Sky 845, called ‘My Muslim Fostering Family.’ Tay has already filmed social workers, foster carers, sheikhs/imams, The Fostering Network and CoramBAAF for the series.

As well as Muslim parents and foster carers, Tay would also like to hear from a foster carer who has looked after a child who has been convicted for breaking the law.

Tay works for Penny Appeal, a charity which provides poverty relief to countries around the world, as well as food, medical aid and orphan care.

If you’d like to get in touch with Tay, please do so via email at:

We’ve added the full series script and an information sheet which outlines participants’ right to veto any footage 5 days after they have received it, below:

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