Welcome to Christmas Week.

Charity 4Children will be publishing a report on an Inquiry they have launched called, “Britain’s Families: Thriving Or Surviving?” in the New Year.

The report aims to explore the challenges and opportunities experienced by families in England, Scotland and Wales, and to see if families are reaping any of the benefits from perceived economic recovery.

The inquiry, which has been set to run for 6 months, and which still appears to be taking submissions, invites parents, carers and all those under the age of 21 to have their say.

The site also has information on a poll they carried out focusing on families and current and future standards of living, as well as quality of life issues.

The launch of this report will take place on Tuesday 26th January, 2016 at 9am in the Jubilee Room in the House of Commons. This is an open event, so if you would like to attend, please RSVP to: thrivingorsurviving@4children.org.uk

Our question to you then, is just this: do you think families are surviving or thriving in Britain today?

A very big thank you to DadsHouse CEO Billy McGranaghan for sharing this item with us.
