Theresa May may be trying to get the Inquiry off the ground, but the latest backlash against the delays and controversial revelations about the newly deceased Leon Brittan must feel like treading through molasses. But who’s to blame?

Fed up with having to wait for over 200 days for the Inquiry to get going, an abuse survivor has decided to start a petition online to ask May to get a move on. The survivor, known only as “Becky”, is though, a little late, as May has already promised to have the Chair for the Inquiry confirmed by the end of next week and the future of the Inquiry set by the end of the month, now five days away.

Meanwhile, radical hacking group Anonymous have decided to concentrate their efforts on exposing paedophiles world wide using the net, and have named their mission, “Operation Death Eaters” after the Harry Potter characters. This operation is likely to cause something of a stir within the establishment. The hackers want to highlight what they believe to be organised, systematic child sexual abuse across the web sanctioned at the highest levels.

And it’s only been four days since Leon Brittan passed away but allegations of sexual abuse are beginning to surface, as a victim who spoke out last year about Brittan’s involvement in a Westminster paedophile ring makes the news again this week. Nick alleges that Brittan abused him and several other boys at Westminster.

The difficulties the Child Abuse Inquiry faces today are in part due to historic responses to abuse, which included denying or ignoring allegations altogether and systematically covering up evidence linked to these claims. It’s no wonder that the Inquiry is struggling to get itself up and running, as voices that have remained silent for so long, now sense an opportunity to speak out. The clamour in the media though, should not dissuade May from getting her tush in gear – promises to get a Chair and a proper infrastructure for the Inquiry within the next five days must be kept, and full confidence in the people chosen to get involved and the process itself, is key.

It’s time to take the bull by the horns, and get a powerful panel up and running.