We’ve been very quiet over the last few weeks on the subject of our Encyclopaedia, which is a free resource for parents and practitioners alike and will, we hope, house lots of informative and easy to follow articles on all things Family Law and Family Court related, but with good reason….

Our silence has been due to a burgeoning backstage shuffle, as we chat with people and find ourselves being approached by professionals who wish to work on the project with us; we’ve been very fortunate. It’s a big machine this encyclopaedia and we’re not sure we’ll be able to get the whole thing on its legs at once, but we’re trying and we hope to have some good news for you in the not too distant future.

We just wanted to check in with you to let you know the project is still humming along, we haven’t forgotten the need for it and we’re still moving behind the scenes to bring it to life.

In the meantime, if you would like to contribute, please do read our guidelines. We’ve had a phenomenal amount of interest in the form of submissions but we’re being very picky – we only want the best and the formatting has to be just right, so that members of the public who are not used to our legal ways can understand every word. So our acceptance rate is low, for now. We’re also in the process of looking over several articles kindly donated to us, and our very first article, generously given to us by the Centre for Social Justice is already safely lodged in our compendium.

And if you’ve got a spare digestive biscuit (the one that’s been soaking too long in your tea and now looks perilously close to lopping off into your tea-cup and sinking to the murky depths of your mug), why not check our amazing, dazzling, groovy Editorial Board.…..!

We’d also like to thank everyone for their patience; we tend to put our pro bono work first which means other things get put on the back burner from time to time, but much like oversized elephants, we never forget…..