With thanks to Paul Tovey for alerting us to this development.

Welcome to another week.

The Scottish Adult Adoptee Movement, a group of adult adoptees based in Scotland (SAAM)working to change the narrative on adoption in Scotland, has launched a two-day online conference called “Listen, It’s Lifelong,” which will highlight “the profound complexities that Adoption places on Adoptees.”

The conference will take place from 20th of November to 21st of November.

The group is also holding an “Adult Adoptee Only” in-person day, on the 23rd of November in Edinburgh.

The Eventbrite page offers the following information about the conference:

“This year during Adoption Week Scotland 2023, we will hear the story of Adoption’s own evolution from pre-1926 legislation to current practices. In presenting a combination of research and narrative perspectives on history alongside current action at home and abroad, the Scottish Adult Adoptee Movement is creating space for a new conversation. This is needed to address the lifelong, profound complexities that Adoption places on Adoptees. As Scotland continues its work to “Keep The Promise”, we will explore together where Adoption has been, is now, and can be in the future. However Adoption evolves, it will be all the better by including the lived experience, the insight, and the clarity of viewpoint that non-dependant Adult Adoptees can bring.”

The page also offers a breakdown of the speakers for the seminars:


Monday 20th November 2023

09.00 Dr Josie Pearce – The History of Separation’ – How the Road to Hell was Paved with Good Intentions

10.30 Dr Emily Hipchen – Origins, Relinquishment, Adoption, Frankenstein

12.00 Dr Michael Lambert – On the record or off the case? Archival sources of forced adoption by the British welfare state

14.30 Davie Donaldson– The Cruelty – A Child Unclaimed. BBC Radio Scotland series

16.00 Dr Gary Clapton – Birth Fathers Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: The Personal, The Professional and The Research

Day 2

Tuesday 21st November 2023

09.00 Adoptee Rights Australia – What’s changed 10 years on from the National Australian Apology.

10.30 Jennifer Mcrae – The Clean Break of Adoption, Is the Future as Clean?

12.00 Garry Sturrock, Senior Associate at Brodies LLP – The myth of the adoption fairytale.

13.00 Maggie Mellon – Parents Advocacy.

14.00 Georgie Hosking – Wave Truse, 70/30 Campaign

15:00 Who Cares? Scotland -Lifelong Rights and Support Campaign

14.00 Wave Trust, Georgie Hosking – 70/30 Campaign ACES

16.00 Scottish Adult Adoptee Movement – Adoptee Rights our key asks

You can register to attend the online seminars here.