In this Voice of the Child (VOTC) podcast, adoption activist Paul Brian Tovey talks about star footballer Dele Alli’s adoption claims, his complaint to the BBC for their reporting of the story, and his conversation on X with Radio 5 journalist and adoptee Nicky Campbell, whose programme about Dele and adoption caused a stir among adult adoptees on social media. 

Paul also talks about “reunion p*rn”, why many adoptees dislike the rescue narrative found in adoption, and his own campaign helping adoptees abused in childhood to heal. 

Speaking to VOTC, Paul said, “My worry about the media is that they’re mirroring the self repression that has been wished upon some adoptees. The adoptees that want to speak out who’ve had wonderful lives they’re just going to come out with it, but the ones that have a lot of pain – pain is very difficult to talk about.” 

“We need to get our heads together in some ways that satisfy each other, so that we can get to some more of the information about the negative sides of adoption. Everyone else in life has the human right to walk away from a relationship that hasn’t been very good, and adoptees don’t. There’s something wrong there.”  

You can listen to the podcast here.