Our image of the month is by Paul Brian Tovey, Researching Reform’s Artist In Residence.

Paul is an adult adoptee whose adoptive parents physically, psychologically and sexually abused him in childhood. His work reflects the impact this maltreatment has had on his mental health and his physical health, as a child and as an adult.

Paul now campaigns for adoptees to have the legal right to revert back to their birth identities. The process is currently unavailable to most adoptees in the UK, because of the costs involved and a narrow legal threshold which makes it almost impossible to get a reversion in law.

This month’s painting is titled, “Going Home – Dog Isle,” and explores the psychological and emotional pain adoptees face when trying to piece their pasts together.

Speaking to Researching Reform, Paul said, “Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) after complex developmental pain has to be processed for years to gradually accept the grief. It’s never ending or it would not be complex trauma.”

“In a decent human tribe I would be known as the Wail-wolf Of The Cliffs, rescuing wails by the sheer drops. It’s my special skill. I have a Degree in Child Abuse, actually a Masters too. Life awarded it to me. Art and poetry are my eyes and soul now, always.”

The following poem by Paul is meant to be read alongside his art:

I went to school in blue pain lakes and aches after Adoption

Spontaneously at 6 I asked why: “tomb and womb” rhyme?
I found a magazine too with naked lady cannibalism shown

My body shook with a recognition of the penis eating crime

In the playground I played at being a crab, eating genitals
Chasing boys who ran in fear , all spiked and horrified

Went home to bad dreams later, got gobbled by an alligator

At night it prowled too and my spirit hid in sleep and died

This is why I sail for home and legends of missed people
My hells needed special prayers and a simple artistic steeple
I pray with pencils and simple colours to ease the truth
In other pictures Grief leaps in losses from an escaping roof

This is why I live in peeling feelings to let an ocean flow
I ease a child inside me holding hands till Mr Time lets us go.
I do not wish for complexity in Arts only authentic Sun and pain
Show a long therapeutic journey, perhaps become partly sane

Heal as you can in the human child abuse Adoption zone

As for me: just nod with witness, then leave me alone.