New birth certificates rolled out across Australia’s New South Wales will allow a child to decide whether they would like to include details about their birth parents and adoptive parents in the document. Information about siblings from birth families and adopted families will also be included.

The Integrated Birth Certificate (IBC) was announced on 16 November and was implemented to reflect the state’s ‘open adoption’ policy, which promotes ongoing connection to a child’s birth family and cultural heritage.

The UK also operates an ‘open adoption’ policy, which means every local authority has a duty to promote a child’s connections with their birth family.

People adopted before 16 November 2020 in New South Wales will be able to apply for an IBC, while those adopted after that date will be issued an IBC automatically, along with a post-adoptive birth certificate.

The IBC can also be used as a legal identity document for people adopted in the state. More information about the document can be found in this Fact Sheet.

Do you think England and Wales should implement its own version of the IBC?

Many thanks to TumTum for alerting us to this development.