News channel, France 2, which is the equivalent of our BBC, is producing a news report on child poverty in the UK and is looking for charities based in London, Birmingham, Manchester and beyond, who would be willing to speak with the reporters.

Their interest springs from the latest figures published by the UK government which suggest that around 4 million children are considered to be living in poverty in the country. France 2 would like to investigate this development and shed light on what they feel is an extremely important issue.

Ideally, the France team would like to talk to someone from a charity and to a family who could explain the challenges they face.

The media team at France 2 is incredibly thoughtful and considerate. Researching Reform has worked with them for several years and they are genuinely caring and interested journalists, professional and lovely to work with. We are adding a statement from France 2 below:

“We do not wish to judge, we understand that this is a sensitive issue and will be very respectful of the families we meet. We believe that in order to establish a relationship of trust with the families we are meeting it would be better to meet them through the charity.”

If you would like to get involved, please email the team at
or give them a call on 02076364573.

France 2