The Researching Reform blog often hosts real stories from inside the family justice system, whether they are families’ experiences or child protection professionals’, however we have started to receive an unusually high amount of requests to share stories, so we’re offering families, and anyone else who would like it, an open platform to amplify their voices.

Your Story is a series featuring family court experiences which need to be heard, either due to alleged miscarriages of justice or a desire to alert the public and policy makers to a specific problem inside the courts.

Our first story will be published tomorrow, and is about a forced adoption gone wrong, which features some remarkable errors.

All the stories we add are fact checked by us, and will be published without names and information which could lead to identification of the parties where reporting and legal restrictions apply.

We will ask the same questions for each interview. You can see them below to get a feel for what we will be sharing:

1. Could you give a brief summary of the facts of your case? 

2. What went wrong in your  case? 

3. What happened after you alerted the professionals to the errors?

4. How do you feel the errors were dealt with? 

5. What do you think could have been done differently? 

6. What message would you like to pass on to the child welfare system?

If you would like to share your story, please get in touch by posting below, or email us at contactnphillips at gmail dot com.

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