Welcome to another week.

Very much in the vein of the nation’s Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse, The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) has just confirmed that it will be launching a year-long investigation into adoption and the practice surrounding it.

The inquiry will be managed by a steering group of adult adoptees (though we hope this will include young men and women from the age of 16 for more up to date analyses from this group), birth parents, adoptive parents, senior law professionals, academics and social workers.

The BASW led investigation hopes to see how the government’s current policies are affecting adoption, like the 26 week timescale for adoptions to be completed and whether a lack of resources is preventing the child welfare sector from doing its best. It will invite everyone affected by the adoption process to come forward and share their thoughts.

This inquiry is likely to raise some interesting issues. Other than government policy relating to court timescales and a lack of funds to fully equip social work departments, it is likely that a debate around Forced Adoption will be had, as well as whether adoption is still being overused at a time when other, perhaps far better, options are available.

If you would like to get involved or share your experience, please contact adoptionenquiry@basw.co.uk

Our question this week then, is just this: do you think adoption practice in the UK is ethical?
