Welcome to another week, one that’s bound to be buzzing with talk about the nation’s statutory inquiry into child sexual abuse, and its decision to hire a further 21 barristers to help run the investigation.

The move has upset victims and survivors of abuse, whilst those in the legal sector are welcoming the decision to get more legal minds on board. Those against this latest development fear a lawyer dominated inquiry will serve only the lawyers and deter victims from coming forward. Those in favour cite highly trained advocates helping out as a positive step in the fact-finding process.

And others, like ourselves, are not sure whether this latest reaction to yet more lawyers working on the inquiry is down to poor communication on the Panel’s part or a deep seated and perhaps legitimate mistrust of the legal sector. No mention of the decision was published on the Inquiry website or elsewhere prior to the national media, and only a select few channels reporting on the matter.

Our question to you then, is just this: do you feel the decision to hire more lawyers is a good one, or not?
